Frequently Asked Questions:
What guidelines do you use to determine who will receive a grant?
Please go to How to Apply, and read the Explanation of Funding Priorities.
Who is responsible for making the final decisions?
The deacons at New Life Presbyterian Church make the final decision; however, the review committee currently includes elders at New Life, as well as, Thrift Store employees.
How long will it take before we are notified of your decision?
The Grant Review Committee meets quarterly; therefore, you will be notified within 90 days of submitting your request.
Will everyone who applies receive a grant?
New Life is only able to fund a portion of the requests that are submitted. Therefore, many excellent projects do not receive funding --typically becuase they fall outside our guidelines. A denial of funding is not necessarily a reflection of the merits of a project, the quality of the proposal, or the importance of an applicant organization.
Are some grants partially funded?
Yes. Not every organization will receive the full amount requested.